Dry Needling

Dry needling invasive procedure in which an acupuncture needle is inserted into the skin and muscle.

Dry needling (DN) is also known as “Myofascial Trigger Point Dry Needling.”  This treatment will never be used in isolation and will always be part of an overall treatment plan aimed to reduce pain and sensitivity and return you to your optimal performance.

The aim of Trigger Point Dry Needling is to reduce muscle pain and dysfunction by releasing oversensitive areas in the muscle known as myofascial trigger points.

Trigger points can be a source of pain and can commonly refer pain to different areas. Trigger points can develop as a result of overloading a muscle, overuse, or when the body is in a stressed and tense state.

When the needle is inserted into the trigger point, the muscle will undergo a localised contraction known as a ‘twitch’. You may also feel a deep aching in the muscle, both of which are normal reactions and will result in therapeutic benefit from the technique.

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Dry Needling Treatment Dublin

Trigger points

Trigger points can be a source of pain and can commonly refer pain to different areas. Trigger points can develop because of overloading a muscle, overuse, or when the body is in a stressed and tense state.

dry needling trigger points


Dry needling may release the tight muscle bands associated with trigger points and lead to decreased pain and improved function.

dry needling treatment Dublin

At RD Physiotherapy…

Here at RD physiotherapy, we are highly trained in this technique. DN is carried out as part of your normal physiotherapy session.

For info on Dry Needling

or any issues you have call RD Physiotherapy on 085 848 9780 or email us at Info@rdphysiotherapy.ie

Custom House Medical Centre,
2 Gandon House,
Mayor Street Lower,
DO1 CY50


085 848 9780

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