The feet contain almost a quarter of the body’s bones, as well as hundreds of connective ligaments and tendons and are highly susceptible to injury.

Lower Leg Pain, Ankle and Foot Pain
Lower leg pain, ankle and foot pain can be debilitating.
Our lower leg, ankles and feet are vital in keeping the rest of the body stable.
This lower extremity sends feedback to the brain of our positioning with every step or movement we take.

As you can imagine the slightest disturbance biomechanically can have a major effect to the body as a whole.

Injuries can be caused by many differing factors ranging from overuse injuries, muscular tears and strains, Arthritic conditions, tendinopathies, sporting injuries and or traumatic incidents.

Common lower leg pain, ankle and foot conditions we regularly treat at RD Physiotherapy:
- Plantar fasciitis
- Shin splints (Medial tibial stress syndrome)
- Calf strains
- Achilles tendon injuries
- Nerve related issues
- High Ankle Sprain (Syndesmosis Injury)
- Lateral ankle Sprain (Inversion Injury)
- Tibialis posterior tendinopathy
For more information regarding lower leg, ankle and foot symptoms
or any issues you have call RD Physiotherapy on 085 848 9780 or email us at

Custom House Medical Centre,
2 Gandon House,
Mayor Street Lower,
DO1 CY50